Certified Homeopathic Counselor Courses Offered By Joyful Living Services

Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a whole medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago and has been practiced in the United States since the early 19th century. Homeopathy is used for wellness and prevention and to treat many diseases and conditions.
This course is approved as a Continuing Education Credit (CEC) course by the Board of Registered Nursing, BRN#13857
Click here to download course description.

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Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a whole medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago and has been practiced in the United States since the early 19th century. Homeopathy is used for wellness and prevention and to treat many diseases and conditions.
This course is approved as a Continuing Education Credit (CEC) course by the Board of Registered Nursing, BRN#13857
Click here to download course description.
Homeopathic Course Testimonial

With Gratitude to Brenda Generali, Joyful Living Services
Middle Path Health & Awareness
Many years ago when I did my Naturopathy course back in 1983 we skimmed over Homeopathy and it never was much interest to me. I just loved herbs. However last year a friend's daughter was hospitalized with severe morning sickness which I had made some suggestions and given some potions for.
A fellow healer saw her and prescribed a homeopathic remedy which within hours had her feeling much better and solved the morning sickness almost instantly it was life threatening. This amazed me and I wanted to learn more and just as usual the Universe intervened and I received an email from you and immediately did your course Brenda.
A whole new world in healing opened up to me as I always had a problem giving small children and old people herbal tinctures or teas and with Homeopathy the pills are so easy to give to the very frail and young and of course those precious sensitive beings that just can't handle tastes that are anything other than what they are used too.
I will not ever deny the potency of Homeopathy as with my enthusiasm worked out a few remedies that suited past ails that both Fergus and I had and bought them, took them and we both got very ill. Being both healthy when we took them we proved the remedies. Well I nearly killed Fergus he came up with what I would say Pneumonia symptoms within days and yet we kept on taking the remedies not understanding the dosage, What a lesson never to be forgotten of their potency. I took on the symptoms of a thyroid condition and was ill for 3 months. I went to a homeopathy day in Brisbane and mentioned it to the tutor who brushed it aside and said this happens sometimes. It was only when I talked to an older Homeopath that she explained I had proven the remedies using them on healthy people.
She told me to drink plenty of coffee as an antidote which I did and I stopped the remedies and became ourselves again. Boy what an experience first hand. I have learned about the History of Homeopathy and when it first started and that it is based on treating the symptom with a homeopathic that has side effects just like the symptom. The term is called like heals like.
I have asked more questions in my clinic regarding my clients symptoms like is it worse morning or night in cold or hot weather, is it a sharp, pain or describe the pain. Worse when stressed or agitated, what type of mucus and whatever I can think of depending on the ailment.
I have learned about dosage, and single remedies being the best option to start with taking in consideration all the symptoms the client may have and not just one.
These are just some of the other things that I have learned:
That when considering a remedy not to take just one principal symptom look at the complete person, body mind and spirit. Treating the Whole Person, finding the Simillium.
That babies and pregnant woman when ill can take Homeopathic remedies as well as sick people.
Know when to stop giving Homeopathic remedies if the symptoms keep on persisting and seek medical advice.
I Have learned remedies for many general ailments in this course and have enjoyed the course immensely with its wide base of knowledge and enjoy using the software program.