Advanced Nutri-Body Analysis Nutritional Assessment
Take this Nutritional Symptomatology Analysis and you will empower yourself to take charge of your health and well being.
What are your nutritional needs?
Have you ever been confused standing in front of thousands of supplements to choose from? Trying to figure out which ones are right for you? Spending money and not knowing if it’s helping you or hurting you or if you’re even assimilating any of them?
Remember Our Body’s Process: (Digestion – Absorption –Assimilation - Distribution – Elimination)
Questions Like:
All of these signs can relate to (Nutritional Imbalances)
It has been proven this takes place in the body when it gets too little (or too much) of a given nutrient.
This Nutritional Assessment from Nutri-Body will answer those questions and more
Nutritional symptomatology is a reliable way to determine one’s nutritional status. It can pinpoint nutritional inadequacies that other methods may miss. This analysis involves you in your own health care and gives you valuable information to help you build and maintain your health. The analysis takes about 30– 40 minutes to complete. It asks questions about possible symptoms that can relate to Nutritional imbalances. All of the questions are based on what your body is experiencing right now, with the foods and supplements you are presently taking.
What is Nutritional Symptomology?
It is a systematic way of analyzing a person’s unique array of symptoms to discover possible nutritional causes for them. Long before any dis-ease may present itself, there are indications that things may not be working as well as they used to.
Researchers have found that certain changes take place in the body when it gets too little (or too much) of a given nutrient.
By studying this body language, one can determine deficiencies (or excesses) of specific vitamins, minerals, proteins and other factors.
By studying symptomology, body signs are interpreted to find the underlying causes.
Nutri- Body Analysis is a method of nutritional appraisal designed especially for professional Nutritional Consultants by natural health leader, David Rowland, PhD, and is the most effective questionnaire of its time.
It can detect deficiencies and imbalances long before they show up on laboratory tests.
And in many, many ways is a more reliable laboratory test for determining nutritional status.
With your Nutri- Body Analysis you receive
It Has Been Estimated That at Least 70% of Sickness & Disease Is Dietary Related
However, that Number is expected to be Much Higher!
North America has been called the most over-fed, undernourished nation in the world. With chronic illness & obesity skyrocketing, it’s no wonder.
Overloaded with nutrient-empty ingredients, toxic chemicals and fabricated food products our bodies are simply poisoned and starved.
Researchers have discovered a 50% drop in nutrients in most vegetables in the last 40 years.
Our bodies are suffering because of nutrient neglect. We know that. We want to change. We want to claim back our health.
But the overwhelming question is how!!!!
With the dramatic rise in the supplement and herbal market these days we are bombarded with products, packages and, yes, sometimes, gimmicks.
How often have you stood in the Dietary Aide" aisle of your local grocery store knowing you should be taking SOMETHING, but not knowing WHAT?
Before you invest any more money in a product, not knowing if you even need it, invest in a Nutri- Body Analysis.
What has been my Experience?
As a Nutrition consultant and Iridologist I have found this a very effective, revealing and inexpensive tool for my clients and myself. In many cases, when a nutritional deficiency is addressed the turn- around is amazing! For so many people it is the perfect starting place for improving health and well-being.
Nutrition Hunting on the Web
I can tell you that the Nutri-Body Analysis is the most thought-out and complete program I have ever seen. I have tried and tested numerous analyses for my clients, but none shows the accuracy of this analysis. I believe everyone should have a fair shot at good health.
That is why we are choosing to offer this at the incredibly reasonable investment of $50!
If you would like a telephone or in-person consult after we send you your report the cost is merely $110 for both the Nutri-Body Analysis and the consult. Consults run $60/hour.
Upon payment, you will receive the Nutri-Body Analysis directly to your email. When you’re finished filling it out, you need to send it directly back to me, then I will send you back your results. If you don’t have internet service I can mail you an analysis and you can mail it back. Whichever is more convenient for you.
The Nutri-Body questionnaire takes about 25-40 minutes to complete.
These questions are grouped by specific nutritional factor, for ease of interpretation. In completing this kind of appraisal, you may be reminded of many body signs that may have been taken for granted-not realizing they may be nutritionally related, and not thinking to mention them to your health care practitioner
It is intended to identify nutritional weaknesses only and in no way intended to diagnose or treat disease.
To register for the Nutri-Body Analysis please fill out the form on the "contact us" page and we will contact you within 24 hours.
- Our motivation and passion is to help others help themselves.
- The key to good health is to identify and support your body’s inherent weaknesses.
- To do this is to know the most effective way to get your Nutritional Needs in balance.
What are your nutritional needs?
Have you ever been confused standing in front of thousands of supplements to choose from? Trying to figure out which ones are right for you? Spending money and not knowing if it’s helping you or hurting you or if you’re even assimilating any of them?
Remember Our Body’s Process: (Digestion – Absorption –Assimilation - Distribution – Elimination)
Questions Like:
- Do I have food sensitivities? Maybe that’s what’s causing my digestive system to be so uncomfortable.
- I heard heavy metal toxicity causes pain in the body. Do I have that?
- Are my hormones out of balance? Why do I have these mood swings, headaches, anxiety, weight gain, and/or depression? Is my blood sugar going up and down causing this?
- Why is my energy so low? What are these mild aches and pains? Why is my thinking fuzzy? Why do my fingernails break easily? Why is my skin so dry?
- Why are my allergies so severe?
All of these signs can relate to (Nutritional Imbalances)
It has been proven this takes place in the body when it gets too little (or too much) of a given nutrient.
This Nutritional Assessment from Nutri-Body will answer those questions and more
Nutritional symptomatology is a reliable way to determine one’s nutritional status. It can pinpoint nutritional inadequacies that other methods may miss. This analysis involves you in your own health care and gives you valuable information to help you build and maintain your health. The analysis takes about 30– 40 minutes to complete. It asks questions about possible symptoms that can relate to Nutritional imbalances. All of the questions are based on what your body is experiencing right now, with the foods and supplements you are presently taking.
What is Nutritional Symptomology?
It is a systematic way of analyzing a person’s unique array of symptoms to discover possible nutritional causes for them. Long before any dis-ease may present itself, there are indications that things may not be working as well as they used to.
- They may be little discomforts and inconveniences- things that we take for granted, not realizing nutrition may be involved.
- There can be a clean medical bill of health. There may be no abnormal medical tests, yet things do not feel quite right.
Researchers have found that certain changes take place in the body when it gets too little (or too much) of a given nutrient.
By studying this body language, one can determine deficiencies (or excesses) of specific vitamins, minerals, proteins and other factors.
By studying symptomology, body signs are interpreted to find the underlying causes.
Nutri- Body Analysis is a method of nutritional appraisal designed especially for professional Nutritional Consultants by natural health leader, David Rowland, PhD, and is the most effective questionnaire of its time.
It can detect deficiencies and imbalances long before they show up on laboratory tests.
And in many, many ways is a more reliable laboratory test for determining nutritional status.
With your Nutri- Body Analysis you receive
- A analysis of 65 nutritional categories
- A color graph prioritizing weaknesses
- Items of concern- prioritized
- Items to watch- prioritized
- Explanation of weakness
- Dietary guidelines
- Supplement recommendations
- Recommendations unique to you
It Has Been Estimated That at Least 70% of Sickness & Disease Is Dietary Related
However, that Number is expected to be Much Higher!
North America has been called the most over-fed, undernourished nation in the world. With chronic illness & obesity skyrocketing, it’s no wonder.
Overloaded with nutrient-empty ingredients, toxic chemicals and fabricated food products our bodies are simply poisoned and starved.
Researchers have discovered a 50% drop in nutrients in most vegetables in the last 40 years.
Our bodies are suffering because of nutrient neglect. We know that. We want to change. We want to claim back our health.
But the overwhelming question is how!!!!
With the dramatic rise in the supplement and herbal market these days we are bombarded with products, packages and, yes, sometimes, gimmicks.
How often have you stood in the Dietary Aide" aisle of your local grocery store knowing you should be taking SOMETHING, but not knowing WHAT?
Before you invest any more money in a product, not knowing if you even need it, invest in a Nutri- Body Analysis.
What has been my Experience?
As a Nutrition consultant and Iridologist I have found this a very effective, revealing and inexpensive tool for my clients and myself. In many cases, when a nutritional deficiency is addressed the turn- around is amazing! For so many people it is the perfect starting place for improving health and well-being.
Nutrition Hunting on the Web
I can tell you that the Nutri-Body Analysis is the most thought-out and complete program I have ever seen. I have tried and tested numerous analyses for my clients, but none shows the accuracy of this analysis. I believe everyone should have a fair shot at good health.
That is why we are choosing to offer this at the incredibly reasonable investment of $50!
If you would like a telephone or in-person consult after we send you your report the cost is merely $110 for both the Nutri-Body Analysis and the consult. Consults run $60/hour.
Upon payment, you will receive the Nutri-Body Analysis directly to your email. When you’re finished filling it out, you need to send it directly back to me, then I will send you back your results. If you don’t have internet service I can mail you an analysis and you can mail it back. Whichever is more convenient for you.
The Nutri-Body questionnaire takes about 25-40 minutes to complete.
These questions are grouped by specific nutritional factor, for ease of interpretation. In completing this kind of appraisal, you may be reminded of many body signs that may have been taken for granted-not realizing they may be nutritionally related, and not thinking to mention them to your health care practitioner
It is intended to identify nutritional weaknesses only and in no way intended to diagnose or treat disease.
To register for the Nutri-Body Analysis please fill out the form on the "contact us" page and we will contact you within 24 hours.