Meditation at Joyful Living Services
Instructor Christopher Kokoll, MA of Tears of Beauty Mediation and Healing has joined Joyful Living Services to bring you meditation for healing trauma and karma. He has been a student of Sanskrit Mantra since 2017, meditating daily. For the past 3.5 years he has worked as a Mindfulness Coach. He specializes in guiding clients in mediation for releasing trauma.
Christopher holds a BA in psychology and an MA in kinesiology. For the past 2.5 years Christopher has worked as a MIndfulness Coach for LEAF (Love Based Education for Adoptive Families.) Christopher guides clients in establishing a mindfulness practice and using mindfulness to release trauma to create greater love and empathetic connection in families. Christopher has 2.5 years of experience assisting with grief retreats.
Christopher also leads mindfulness retreats and teaches group mindfulness classes.
In mindfulness a place inside is cultivated that is safe and peaceful beyond outer circumstances. In this state of inner safety we naturally begin perceiving deeper truth. This mindful perception has zero judgment. The new truths we become aware of actually guides our outer relationships and the process of healing our past.
As is said “the Truth sets us free”
Mindfulness sets us free
I look forward to deepening in this freedom and truth with you
Christopher holds a BA in psychology and an MA in kinesiology. For the past 2.5 years Christopher has worked as a MIndfulness Coach for LEAF (Love Based Education for Adoptive Families.) Christopher guides clients in establishing a mindfulness practice and using mindfulness to release trauma to create greater love and empathetic connection in families. Christopher has 2.5 years of experience assisting with grief retreats.
Christopher also leads mindfulness retreats and teaches group mindfulness classes.
In mindfulness a place inside is cultivated that is safe and peaceful beyond outer circumstances. In this state of inner safety we naturally begin perceiving deeper truth. This mindful perception has zero judgment. The new truths we become aware of actually guides our outer relationships and the process of healing our past.
As is said “the Truth sets us free”
Mindfulness sets us free
- Spiritually and psychologically
- That freedom Is our birthright
I look forward to deepening in this freedom and truth with you
Please reach out with any questions to Christopher at [email protected] or text or call him at 207-939-1805
"Christopher has been a godsend in my life, both for me as a parent and simply as an adult who needs to get things done and navigate this world. His techniques for centering myself and his attunement to my feelings, frustrations and positive energy is uncanny. I felt empowered after the end of every session. He skilfully guided whatever theme of the day/week was brewing in me. He made me feel like i was headed somewhere, finding direction for next steps or how to improve my spiritual practice. I highly recommend Chris to anyone who is searching in need of healing from trauma and looking to add meditation to her or his tool box for life."