Constitutional Iridology Software
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Constitutional Iridology was put together by Milo Milosevic who graduated as a naturopath from the Southern School of Natural Therapies in 1980.
His passion for Iridology increased when he attended the College of Somatic Studies course in Constitutional Iridology in 1990 with Robert Lucy using Angerer’s constitutional philosophy. It was an awakening into a realm of iridology that has led to this compilation of ideas. Milo has studied in the USA with the Natural Iridology Research Association, where the Deck system is used predominantly. He has lectured at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane for 8 years and has also lectured for the Institute of Applied Iridology throughout Australia and New Zealand.
This Iridology software CD covers the iridology constitutions as gathered by Milo Milosevic N.D. over his lecturing years. This is a compilation of the constitutions from Deck Angerer and American constitutions. It is written in such a way as to make it easily client compliant & the analysis can be used even as a handout sheet. The constitutions are divided into blue, brown & mixed with dietary & lifestyle guidelines.
The Iridology software CD also contains many photographs of irides from Milo’s clinical cases, also other pupil and iris signs as well. The purpose of this Iridology software CD is to bring the constitutions alive in a easily manageable way that will encourage the therapist to ask most questions about there client as well as be aware of the health direction the client is going towards.
For more information and to view the pdf file for this software, click here.
His passion for Iridology increased when he attended the College of Somatic Studies course in Constitutional Iridology in 1990 with Robert Lucy using Angerer’s constitutional philosophy. It was an awakening into a realm of iridology that has led to this compilation of ideas. Milo has studied in the USA with the Natural Iridology Research Association, where the Deck system is used predominantly. He has lectured at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane for 8 years and has also lectured for the Institute of Applied Iridology throughout Australia and New Zealand.
This Iridology software CD covers the iridology constitutions as gathered by Milo Milosevic N.D. over his lecturing years. This is a compilation of the constitutions from Deck Angerer and American constitutions. It is written in such a way as to make it easily client compliant & the analysis can be used even as a handout sheet. The constitutions are divided into blue, brown & mixed with dietary & lifestyle guidelines.
The Iridology software CD also contains many photographs of irides from Milo’s clinical cases, also other pupil and iris signs as well. The purpose of this Iridology software CD is to bring the constitutions alive in a easily manageable way that will encourage the therapist to ask most questions about there client as well as be aware of the health direction the client is going towards.
For more information and to view the pdf file for this software, click here.