NutriBase Software
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Ailments and Organs of the Human Body, Foods, Herbs and Beverages, Nutrients and other Compounds, Toxic Substances and Toxic Foods, Physical & Complimentary Therapies, Cosmetics and Cosmaceuticals, Orthodox Medical Procedures, Biochemical Pathway Maps, Miscellaneous Health Subjects. 650 Ailments that affect the human body and their treatment by natural means. 400 Foods-their therapeutic properties and nutrient content. 200 Herbs-their therapeutic properties and nutrient content. 900 Nutrients-their therapeutic properties, food and herbal sources and availability. 300 Toxins-natural methods of counteracting them. 1000 Life Extension Strategies, Cosmaceuticals, Diets, Complimentary Therapies and Pharmaceutical Drugs. 150 Organs of the body and herbs, nutrients and foods that improve the health of those organs. 390 Hormones and chemicals of the body and natural compounds that enhance these hormones/chemicals.