Balance Emotions Naturally
Learn how to balance emotions naturally
June is one of our IIPA Certified Comprehensive Iridologists and will be speaking about Balancing Emotions Naturally. If you would like to attend this webinar, please respond to this e-mail and I will send you the zoom invitation. The presentation will be recorded so if you can't attend live I will send you the recording.
Spiritual Intuitive healing assists in removing blockages and imbalances hidden beneath the physical surface. Deeper levels of emotion, thought patterns and learned behavior and beliefs may hold energy blockages. Healing comes as roots are uncovered and exposed thru love and prayer. June Baker will teach you how to identify emotional weakness and with the help of EO and Flower Remedies, you will begin your healing journey. June Baker is a licensed Spiritual Holistic Healer. Whether you want to improve your over-all well-being, address a physical illness, or have a deeper Spiritual Walk, June Baker will help you release and empower you with tools to help set healthy boundaries, spiritual grounding, uncover the blockages, and find self-worth awareness - body, mind and spirit. June Baker at the Health ConneXion is a starting gate to shifting your perspective and a time of realigning who Your True Self is.