1-Hour Private Reiki Session and 1-Hour Iridology Analysis
For the Reiki Healing 1-hour private session:
Reiki Healing
Balance and align Chakras, energy grounding visualization and aura shield.
Complementary modalities include Sound bowls, aromatherapy, affirmations and crystals.
Radiant Love and Light is all about providing safe spaces for people to heal. Creating self-empowerment and transformation in your daily life. I believe everyone deserves access to holistic healthcare and so my mission is to help you find your own unique path toward healing and growth so that you can live your best life possible.
~Benefits of Reiki treatment may include: Improved sleep, Stress reduction, Higher energy levels, Clearer mind, Pain reduction, Positive moods, Reduced anxiety, Improved focus. Improved quality of life.
Nicole Couto, Reiki Practitioner, Radiant Love and Light, (530) 217-3861, www.radiantloveandlighthealing.com
For the Iridology Session:
If you would like an in-person or remote iridology, I can provide an analysis for you in-person or remotely.
I can provide you with a live zoom analysis if you are out of town.
I will send you my waiver and client intake form that I need you to fill out and send back to me.
I will need the following photos from you if the analysis is remote. If you come into the office I will take the photos myself: Left Iris, Right Iris, Right Nasal Sclera, Left Nasal Sclera, Right Temporal Sclera, Left Temporal Sclera, Right Upper Quadrant, and Left Upper Quadrant.
For the Nasal Sclera photos please look towards your ears to take the photos.
For the Temporal Sclera photos please look towards your nose to take the photos.
For the Upper Quadrant photos please look down and pull up your eyelids
For the Lower Quadrant photos please look up and pull down your eyelids.
If you would like me to comment on your face, tongue, and fingernails, please take pictures of the following and send them to me:
Picture of full face
Picture of tongue (stick your tongue out as far as possible and take picture of it)
Picture of fingernails
For an example of how to take pictures with your cell phone watch this video:
I need the pictures to be as close as you can take them and to be sure they are not blurry.
If you have had blood tests taken I will need you to send me the results if you want me to work with you and help you with a health and nutrition program.
I may want to order some blood tests for you if we find markings in the eyes relating to MTHFR if you have not been previously tested for that.
If you are on facebook that's a better way to communicate with me. Please send me a PM or friend me if you are on facebook.
This analysis includes your iris constitutional type, iris subtype, pupil tonus, sclera markings, iridology signs, genetic markers, and anything I think is important plus of course my dietary and lifestyle recommendations along with supplementation and/or blood tests I think are necessary.
The zoom meeting will last about an hour to an hour and a half if the meeting is remote.
No recordings are allowed.
Brenda Generali, Joyful Living Services, 530-878-1119, [email protected]