These types usually have circular grooves going around the iris and radial furrows (Radai Solaris) going straight out toward the iris edge. This comes from generations of stress, tension, and anxiety. These grooves look like ditches in arcs or circular formations, or they may form a complete circle around the iris. These rings have historically been called stress rings or nerve rings by some Iridologists. If a person was born with these rings, they tend to "have a lot of irons in the fire." They are multi-taskers and try to take on more projects than they can reasonably handle. They burn up minerals and B vitamins quite easily and tend to have muscle cramps and headaches. Not only did they inherit the tendency to create more stress in life, but, in general, they observed either one or both parents who did the same. The parents usually have the same markings in their irises as the children, and these types of parents usually pushed the children to hurry with everything from the time they were small. Unless someone in the family line learns to break this pattern of behavior, each generation will have more of thee Anxiety Tetanic stress patterns in the iris.
An Iridologist can see this pattern in young children's eyes and teach the parents how to help them to learn to relax and only choose one or two projects to work on, rather than many. The Iridologist can teach the adult with this pattern to learn conscious relaxation meditations and deep breathing. Deep breathing helps the body to release unnecessary adrenaline. Taking minerals including calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins has been helpful for this pattern. These types of people should also learn to eat their meals in a relaxed atmosphere while sitting down and chewing their food well. Little red dots from the office supply store can be placed around the home or office to remind these people to pause and breathe deeply.
It is believed that if these people learn the lesson given by their eyes, it is possible that their children will not have these grooves and will have more peaceful and less fast-paced lives. (Ref: Techniques in Iris Analysis by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D.)