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This is a term used by the Iridologist to indicate a lack of circulation to the arms and legs. The legs and feet are the farthest away from the heart. Thus the blood must be returned from the legs against the force of gravity. This is why circulatory problems usually manifest first in the feet and legs. Vitamins helpful are A, B, B1, C, D, G and Niacin. Minerals include Magnesium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Fluorine, Iodine, Iron, Manganese and Sulfur. Herbs include Capsicum, Butchers Broom and Hawthorn Berries. Cold water leg baths and grass and sand walking as taught by Fr. Sebastian Kneipp are very helpful as is exercise in general. Capsicum can also be rubbed on the hands and legs to be absorbed through the skin and a bath can be taken as well with Capsicum. Arcus Sinilis (Brain Anemia-White Cap) Virtually all life activities of the body are directed by the Brain, and Dr. Bernard Jensen has found anemia of the Brain to be the most serious result of impaired circulation, low blood count, inadequate nutrients in the blood or any combination of these factors. The joy of life seems to diminish to a sluggish trickle, while thinking slows, memory dulls and a curtain drops over many activities and abilities which were formerly taken for granted. This condition, commonly associated with senility and old age, has less to do with chronological age than it does with our way of life. If a low blood count is suspected, Dr. Jensen advises obtaining confirmation through a lab analysis. You can build up the blood with iron-rich foods such as green vegetables, beets, black cherries, black raspberries, liquid chlorophyll and other supplements. Moving to a higher altitude can help. To improve circulation Dr. Jensen recommends slanting board exercises, early morning barefoot walks in dewy grass or on a sandy beach, Kneipp baths, alternate hot and cold foot baths and physical exercises appropriate to the persons age. Physical exercise stimulates increased adrenaline secretion which in turn stimulates faster, deeper respirations, faster heart action and greater oxygenation of body tissues Cerebral Anemia means there is a lack of adequate blood supply to the brain areas for one reason or another. Dietary modifications, exercise, herbs, vitamins, minerals, food supplements and use of a slanting board on a regular basis are very helpful in these cases. Herbs such as Gotu Kola, Capsicum and Ginseng are also very helpful. The vitamin necessary is Niacin. I have provided information on the Slanting Board for you at the end of the analysis. Assimilation Ring (Over Acid Stomach), Assimilation Ring (Under Acid Stomach) Assimilation is how well you absorb the food you eat. It is not what you eat that counts, it's what you assimilate that your body can use that makes the difference. We absorb mainly in the small intestine, through the small villi which compose the intestinal walls. The absorptive function of these villi may be hampered by certain diets. Some persons may also have an inherent weakness in this area which does not allow them to utilize their foods as well as others. A proper diet is the best way to aid in assimilation. Also adequate rest is needed as a fatigued system cannot absorb well. Herbs such as Alfalfa, Peppermint, Papaya and Ginger are also beneficial. Should the villi become unable to absorb nutrients properly, cleansing may be encouraged using the herb Comfrey and the digestive aid Pepsin as well as a bulk former such as Psyllium Hulls along with Cascara Sagrada. Body Acidity (Over Acid Body Chemistry) Acids may come from the diet, from the state of mind of the person or from under functioning elimination systems. Often all three are involved to some extent. Thoughts can drive the body to an over acid condition faster than the worst diet. This places a strain on the organs whose job it is to eliminate these acids. Therefore, under functioning organs compound the problem. The way to overcome the over acid condition is to take care of the under functioning organs, make the necessary changes in the diet and alter the thinking. Organic sodium foods and high potassium foods are a help in alkalinizing the system. The best way to alkalinize the system is to eat only alkaline foods for a period of time such as fruits and vegetables and to avoid proteins and starches which are acidic foods. Bowel Pockets Medically these are called "Diverticula". We refer to them as "Pockets" because it more accurately depicts what they are, an out pouching of the colon wall associated with an inherent weakness in the colon and perhaps also with increased colon gas developed by improper dietary habits (improper food combining). Bowel pockets can usually cause no problems if kept clean. Bowel pockets frequently can be the spawning-ground for localized sub-clinical infections. When colon debris are allowed to accumulate in them and putrefy, these pockets can become infected and inflamed. If this occurs it is called "Diverticulitis". This is a serious condition. Even when not acutely infected, there is frequently a "low-grade" infection present producing an irritation of the nerves in the colon wall. It is not uncommon for bowel pockets to be responsible for more enervation and conditions of ill-health than is generally recognized. It is best to take care of them by keeping them clean, first using the Colema Board then following up with proper diet, consistent use of intestinal bulk formers such as Psyllium Hulls and adequate intake of Acidophilus bacteria. Chlorophyll containing products also can be a great help with this. Avoiding granola, individual nuts unless ground into a butter and popcorn. This is very important as these foods can become trapped in the pockets and can cause pain. Adequate intake of pure water as previously explained in the Kidney area is vital to proper colon health. Many conditions in the body are associated with the neglect of these bowel pockets. Moderate to severe contamination of these pockets is common and the best way to get them cleaned up quickly is with the Colema Board. Bowel Prolapses Gravity is one of the most difficult forces to overcome, because of our continual exposure to it. As a result, we have to exert a great deal of preventive care to reduce the development of Spinal problems, Brain Anemia or Prolapses of the Transverse Colon. Man is a creature who walks erect. His internal organs are held in place by connective tissue and membranes which generally resist the downward pull of gravity upon those organs, but the combination of enervation and gravity, sometimes together with inherent weakness or chemical depletion, can cause the dropping of the Transverse Colon. Prolapses of the Transverse Colon is one of the most commonly encountered effects of gravity, and its consequent pressure effects upon the organs of the pelvic region can cause serious problems if not properly counteracted. Among women, the first thing we find is pressure on the Ovaries, Uterus and the blood vessels of the pelvic region. Cysts on the Ovaries may form which do not drain adequately for healing to take place. This is probably responsible for many of the surgeries performed on women these days. Blockage of one or both Fallopian Tubes may occur, hindering or preventing passage of the ovum and contributing to irregular menstrual cycles. Blockage of both Fallopian Tubes would, of course, result in sterility. Prolapses of the Transverse Colon among men is frequently accompanied by Prostate trouble due to visceral pressure. In general, the pressure due to Prolapses can cause distortions, contractions and irritation to the Sigmoid Colon which interfere with bowel elimination. If there is enough pressure on the pelvic organs, we may find urinary disturbances and pain in the lower abdomen. Interference with the blood supply to this area may lead to adhesions, bowel distortions, ballooned conditions in the bowel wall, strictures and Diverticula due to restrictions of the passage of wastes and consequent buildup of gas. One of the most troublesome problems in the abdominal areas is that of Hemorrhoids caused by rectal pressure. The veins are forced out of the rectal area because of pressure at the stool. Use of a slanting board, regular exercise, controlling weight, use of herbs, vitamins and foods mentioned earlier in the bowel area are all beneficial to the Transverse Colon. We all seem to face battles in our life with reaching or maintaining our ideal weight. For many of us, it is an ongoing struggle throughout our lives. There is so much information out there on the subject of weight loss that it sends our heads spinning to decipher it all. Over the past couple years, I have come to understand weight gain in a totally different light. I now look at extra weight in relation to imbalances in the body, both physical and emotional. If you try and address weight loss from a purely calorie in, calorie out mentality it doesn't work. Rather you must look at your whole body and lifestyle, and ask yourself "where are the imbalances?" You are an individual, your body, diet, lifestyle, etc. are different from anyone else's so it makes sense that a program of weight loss for you may be very different from that of one of your friends or family. Our diet of course, is in the forefront when we think about obtaining our ideal weight, so I really need to start with a focus in this area. A diet that is reflective of health and vitality in the foods we choose creates health and vitality in our bodies. When we view our food from a mechanical view we turn it into mere calories or nutritional units which we burn to create energy. We find that we give no more attention to eating, than putting fuel in our cars in order for the engine to run. Once seen this way, you approach food in terms of what is tasty and pleasing, but still low in calories. This mentality creates a market for the low fat, artificially sweetened foods which we fool ourselves into believing we can consume and be healthy. Why have we allowed our foods to become so polluted and harmed to a point where they do not offer nutritional value? Why has our food become so off balance, full of chemicals, artificial ingredients and poisons? I feel a key to this lies in the fact that we as a people have lost touch with our inner self and our connection to our Creator, our fellow human beings and Creation itself. Consider for a moment that food is a gift from our Creator, the essence of life. Your food creates energy, which gives your body life. Deepak Chopra, MD in his new book What are you Hungry for called vegetables rainbows of energy sent down to the earth for us to enjoy. Our food is part of the cycle that connects us to our Earth, in consuming our food the energy of Creation itself, becomes a part of us. In the book Matrix Healing author Raphael Kellman MD states that "Americans are both overfed and malnourished." We have become a people who lack gratitude and have lost connection to the food we eat. He goes on to ask "what happens if we choose to see the food we crave as a gift that cows, chickens, trees and plants have chosen to share with us? What if we experience our receiving of food as the acceptance of a gift created by wind and water, flesh and blood, sun and soil?" Do you see how this shift in your perception of food, creates gratitude? Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book the healing messages of water, found that water molecules exposed to the emotion of gratitude would become some of the most beautiful crystals. While water exposed to emotions of anger, hurt, jealousy etc, would denature the molecules in the water so that it could not form crystals at all. If we consider this just for a moment, then would it not make sense that we should consume our food and water with gratitude and not to denature it? Can you see why you might want to avoid food which has been depleted of nutrient content in order for companies to gain greater profit? Does it not make sense that if food's natural qualities have been stripped and artificial ingredients have been added, all for the purpose of companies making money, that the energy of this food might be changed as well? What if instead you began to choose foods that are natural and close to the earth, with little processing, grown by people who care about the food and the earth? Would not these foods contain more energy, vitality and life giving properties? How do you think that food grown with love would affect your health and ability to lose weight? When I learned about these ideas and concepts I began to look at food differently, which automatically caused me to choose my foods differently as well. I found my body craved a salad or soup full of beautiful fresh vegetables, but I felt bad, even depressed when I ate an empty processed food of some type. Even the snacks that I chose were made of pure natural ingredients. I started to read my labels to find companies which worked with sustaining the earth and raised animals in cruelty free environments. As I made these changes I realized that my food choices directly affected the level of energy and the rate of metabolism in my body. I know so many of you are addressing the subject of losing weight. I really feel for you because there are so many factors to consider from diet, to controlling food cravings, choosing an exercise program, maintaining proper bowel elimination, water intake, controlling stress and cortisol, and balancing blood sugar and hormones levels. I plan to send you more information on these different areas so you can learn about and understand them. If I could direct you in one thing that I think can help make the biggest difference in your obtaining success, it would be to consider the quality and source of the food you eat. Move away from foods that have been processed, denatured, or raised in unkind ways with no respect to the planet, the animals, or the people involved with them. Drink plenty of pure water. Our bodies are made of over 75% water, in the womb we are surrounded by water. The Earth is covered in water; the rain brings water to our plants and to our food supplies. The energy of water and the role it plays in our health is much greater than we can imagine. So I also encourage you to be grateful for the water you drink each day and for the work it does in your body as it bathes your cells. As you shift your perspective on food and water, you will begin to tune into your body and hear the innate wisdom within you, which will guide and direct you on the path of creating a new and healthy body. Food Cravings: carbohydrates and sugars As we move forward in taking steps to create our new body and mind, our best intentions are often sabotaged by a sudden urge for a particular food or drink. We try to avoid these foods and yet we seem to have no power. Suddenly we are caught by the realization that we are being controlled by our body. Food cravings are there for a reason, they indicate a chemical imbalance which your body is trying to correct. Your body has a need, and it is trying to get your attention. If you meet that need, the craving will stop, if you don't it continues and becomes stronger and stronger. Cravings for carbohydrates or sugars generally come because of imbalances in one of three areas: digestion, blood sugar or serotonin. Digestive imbalances "Think of your stomach as a fire which cooks your food and breaks down the life giving nutrients (food essence) and separates the waste products for elimination. Your digestive fire needs to burn properly, just like a fireplace on a cold night in order for your body to create energy to sustain life". This energy is the essence of metabolism. People tend to equate metabolism with the thyroid, and although the thyroid plays an important role, it is the fire in your stomach that begins the process. If your digestive fire is not working properly then your body will tend to crave carbohydrates and sugars as they are the easiest form of food to create energy from. Poor food choices, especially foods which are not natural and contain artificial ingredients tax the digestive process and cause your fire to burn very weakly. Healthy natural foods are easy to burn for energy and contain very little waste products, like burning oak in a fireplace over pine. In addition to improving your food choices you can build and enhance your digestive process with the herbal formulas Chinese Spleen Activator TCM (#1070-5), Anti-Gas with Lobelia (#1198-4) or Chewable Papaya Mint Enzymes (#485-6). If you know you have weak digestion, find it hard to build muscle, or feel tired and look pale then I suggest you use the Chinese Spleen Activator TCM at 1 capsule twice daily through one bottle and then 1 capsule daily through a couple more bottles. If you have trouble digesting various foods and often have gas, bloating or an irritable bowel, then I suggest you try the Anti-Gas with Lobelia at 2 capsules with each meal. If you have generally good digestion but just feel heavy and unsatisfied after meals try chewing one or two Papaya Mints after a meal to enhance the process of digestion. You may also combine the Spleen Activator with either of these two formulas. Your stomach's digestive fire is also damaged by excessive worry, dwelling or thinking too much and holding in our emotions. These actions affect the way we breathe, which effects the movement of the diaphragm which decreases the oxygen we take in with each breath. This lowered oxygen intake effects our body's ability to burn food for energy. Just like closing a damper on a fire place would extinguish the fire. Practicing breathing exercises and Qi gong exercise can help increase your oxygen uptake, increase your metabolism, and decrease cravings for carbohydrates and sugars. It is important to address your stress and pay attention to when your thinking becomes too centered and over focused. Chinese Mood Elevator helps a person to become more heart centered and less caught up in their head. Chinese Stress Relief helps to quiet the mind and stop excessive dwelling. In addition B-complex vitamins or adaptogen herbal blends like AdaptaMax (#872-9) help support your day-to-day stressors. Blood Sugar imbalances play a key role in why we crave carbohydrates or sugars. When you consume carbohydrates or sugars in a meal or by themselves, your blood sugar levels rise. There is an optimal blood sugar level which the body needs to function at its best. If we take in too much sugar or carbs at a given time, or in a form which is processed and not paired naturally with fiber, then the blood sugar rises too high. The body controls the rise of blood sugar and carries this sugar into the cells for use as energy by producing the hormone insulin. Sometimes the body overreacts to a sudden surge in blood sugar (because you just ate 6 cookies) and over produces insulin which lowers the blood sugar too much. This then creates an alert signal in the body which says "more sugar needed fast" and this triggers an uncontrollable urge to eat something sweet. This is why it is important to eat natural sources of sugars like a whole apple which contains fiber that slows the flow of the sugar into the blood stream. If you have been having trouble with sugar or carbohydrate cravings for awhile then your blood sugar management system may not be working properly anymore. I recommend you try the herbal formula HY-A (#950-0) at 2 capsules per meal if you tend to get low blood sugar and experience headaches or irritability if you don't eat on time. If you tend to have high blood sugar, insulin resistance, or your doctor said you are prediabetic then the Sugar Reg formula (#927-1) would be a good choice for you. If you just want to help stop sugar cravings between meals try the new NSP Stixated drink (#6540-5) which provides chromium to balance blood sugar and Garcinia Cambodia to decrease appetite and increase metabolism. Low Serotonin levels also create cravings for carbohydrates. Serotonin is a feel good neurotransmitter created in the brain but primarily in the intestinal tract. A lack of serotonin creates the following symptoms: Cravings for carbohydrates (they help to form serotonin), vague muscle aches and pains, insomnia, depression, binge eating, tension headaches, migraine headaches, PMS headaches, mood swings, body aches, generalized fatigue, joint swellings, numbness and tingling, fibromyalgia, obsessive compulsive behavior and addictions (alcohol, smoking, and stimulants). Stress causes serotonin levels to decrease, so make sure to properly support your stress with formulas like Nutri-Calm (#1617-3), Adrenal Support (#1507-0) or AdaptaMax (#872-9). In addition, since your digestive tract plays a major role in the production of serotonin we can once again see how eating healthy foods which are easy to digest and maintaining proper bowel function would play a role in eliminating cravings for carbohydrates. The formulas 5HTP(#2806-4) and Chinese Mood Elevator (TCM #1035-7, or 100 ct #1878-8) both help to build serotonin levels. Do not take the 5HTP if you are on a serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug without first checking with your doctor. The 5HTP can lower the need for this type of medication. To improve bowel function consider formulas like LBSII (#990-1) for a sluggish colon, Everybody's Fiber (#1336-6) for sensitive colons and Probiotic formulas like Probiotic Eleven (#1510-1) to rebalance the good bacteria which make the serotonin. Creating a healthier you and reaching your ideal weight is not a short term program, it is a lifestyle change and commitment. To help keep you on your path towards healthy eating consider getting a subscription to a healthy eating magazine like Clean Eating Magazine, Vegetarian Times, or Eating Well. With a monthly subscription coming in the mail you will always be receiving new ideas and motivation to keep you on your path to meet your goals. I hope I have helped to give you hope and direction on how you can improve your health, balance your weight and move forward in creating a new and healthy you! Blessings, Valerie Greguire, Natural Health Counselor/Educator/Certified Herbalist Consultations, Classes & Seminars, Product Information & Guidance 864-877-6611 Office, Monday-Friday 10 - 5 By Appointment www.MyAnswers4Health.com Copyright Herbal Answers for Health 2014 all rights reserved This newsletter may be copied and distributed in its entirety for educational purposes. Congratulations to the following Joyful Living Services' graduates! Please contact them if you are interested in consulting with them: Certified Anatomy & Physiology Counselor Robert N. Frank, SR Brick, NJ Telephone: 732-903-6636 Certified Health and Nutrition Counselor Autumn Baisy Seattle, WA Telephone: 206-550-4394 E-mail: [email protected] Certified Iridologists Jennifer Cusmano Califon, NJ Telephone: 908-296-5663 E-mail: [email protected] Debra E. Dallas, PhD Pennsburg, PA Telephone: 610-442-2302 Email: [email protected] Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Iridology Awaiting to take the final exam: Susan Young Clarksburg, WV Telephone: 304-203-4493 E-mail: [email protected] Beginning and Intermediate Iridology Pamela Mazzeo, ND, PhD Kingman, AZ Telephone: 928-757-0077 E-mail: [email protected] Intermediate and Advanced Iridology Awaiting to take the final exam: Christopher H. Shillong Williams Lake, B.C., Canada Telephone: 250-392-3103 E-mail: [email protected] Beginning Iridology Julia B. Vance Payson, UT Telephone: 801-609-7192 E-mail: [email protected] Ilona Mialik Castro Valley, CA Telephone: 510-305-4827 E-mail: [email protected] You can learn about all our courses on our web site at: http://www.joyfullivingservices.com/courses3.htmlIf you have questions please contact Brenda at JLS at 530-878-1119 or e-mail to [email protected] Does Your Business Plan Include This?
1. Viable Growth Industry 2. A Product that is Totally Unique, one of a kind and Patent Protected 3. A Product that Everyone Wants & Needs 4. The Company and its owners must be Financially Sound, and Profitable 5. The Company must be in the hands of Experience Competent Management that are more focused on Principles than on Ego and Economics 6. The Company must be on the upswing of their Growth Curve, entering Momentum! If not, lets talk! Send me an e-mail to [email protected] or give me a call at 530-878-1119 or 800-704-9800. Brenda |
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