This collarette is always thick and ropey.
It is raised when viewed under magnification and will look like a mountain range sloping down toward the nutritive zone.
In some people this wreath will be so raised that it will appear as if it is almost disconnected from the iris surface.
Emotionally these people seem to have a lot of energy and strong conviction in life due to increased nerve energy but they often over-expend their nerve energy and go until they drop from exhaustion.
Physically there is often fermentation in the gut with overactive peristalsis swinging to underactive motility at times.
Adrenal and pancreatic disturbances often accompany this sign with food swings and blood sugar highs and lows.
A nutritional plan should include high quality digestive enzymes taken just before meals. Small nutritious meals of high quality foods that break down slowly and help to balance the blood sugar should be eaten throughout the day. This person should strictly avoid sugar and high glycemic foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Calming music and gentle exercises will help to soothe the nervous system.