April Special: Purchase the Certified Iridology Course Series: Become a Certified Iridologist-Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Iridology DVD Correspondence Course for $450 and SAVE $450 - Based on Dr. Jensen's Teachings and Constitutional Iridology. Regular Price is $900. Payment plans are available.
April Special: Become a "Certified Iridology Practitioner" Online or DVD Course for $350 and SAVE $100 - Looks at the Iris from a Genetic Standpoint, Fingerprint, Roadmap using Iris Structure and Color to Determine Constitutional Type, Personality Traits, and Emotions This class brings in the new research in iridology. By looking at the iris from a genetic standpoint, as a fingerprint or road map to health, we can see what type of diet, lifestyle, exercises, and emotional work a person may need to lead a healthy and happy life. Instead of reading the iris to determine strengths and weaknesses as Dr. Jensen suggested, we are looking at the iris for patterns to learn about the actual body type and in so doing can help others with their health and well being. This brings in the new research coming into iridology. Regular Price is $450. Payment plans are available.
Contact Brenda at 530-368-0918 (cell) or by e-mail to [email protected] if you have questions about these specials.