- Maria Pina Bramante, B.A.
- Dr. Cindy Cork
- Denise Coyle
- Dr. Anne Murray
- Loretta Ross, B.S.
- Irina Kouchnir, B.S.
- Regina Catherine Iggulden
- Ulysses Leopoldo Angulo
- Dr. Diane Collins
- Debbie Young C.C.Ir.
- Toi Holliday
- Anne Sewall
- Dr. Woody Metellus, ND
- Justo Saavedra, Master of Science in Information Systems
- Ebony Taylor
- Cindy Gould, Sacred Earth Aromatics
- James H. Phillips, Jr, BS, DC, Iridology, Herbs, and Wellness
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For more information about IIPA, go to: http://www.iridologyassn.org/iipa2/home.aspx