Energy must be provided to balance the body. The BEST Energy Foot Bath is an ionic foot bath that utilizes aircraft quality grade parts to boost bodily energy, allowing the body to reach its full potential! Positive and negative energy fields are transferred into the water and the body absorbs that energy. The energy is then used by the body to detox and cleanse. The BEST Energy Foot Bath starts the detoxification process on three levels: through the colon, urinary system, and skin; respectively.
BEST Energy Foot Bath works through the most basic and plentiful substances in your body, water. The human body is approximately 80% water. It functions by transferring electromagnetic signals. Similar to a car battery that charges a car, the human body may greatly benefit from being re-charged/energized. The BEST Energy Foot Bath recharges the body with electromagnetic signals that are transferred from the water module, into the foot spa, and then absorbed by the body. This cleansing foot spa is like having your own private mineral hot spring! Just add hot water and experience 40 minutes of energizing and relaxing detox.
The BEST Energy Foot Bath is the highest performing ionic foot spa available that uses both positive and negative energy patterns in the foot bath to increase your natural detoxification process. The energy received by the body from the holistic BEST Energy Foot Bath may result in boosting live blood cell levels and it might decrease symptoms of health challenges.
The following pictures illustrate how blood cells react to a foot spa. The one on the left is before the foot spa. It shows the cells clumped and inactive. Then on the right illustrates the cells after the foot spa, energetic, active, and round.
Retails for $2295; On Sale for $1995 Plus shipping and handling
Contact Liz Bentley, 585-225-3330 [email protected]