Thursday was the 1st day of Autumn/Fall. We usually suggest body and colon cleansing in the Spring and Fall.
Colon Cleansing
Retained debris in the colon leads to the absorption of toxins, resulting in systemic intoxication (poisoning). Symptoms of this condition can include mental confusion, depression, irritability, fatigue, gastrointestinal irregularities, and even allergic reactions such as hives, sneezing, and coughing. Many nutritionists and researchers believe that this toxicity can eventually lead to more serious disorders. Colon cleansing can rid the colon of debris, and help prevent and treat a variety of health problems.
Below I've included information on Food Enzymes as well as 7 types of colon, parasite, blood, and body cleansing on my web site at this link:
These have helped hundreds of people to detox successfully.
- Nature's Sunshine Food Enzymes - to help improve digestion which helps detoxing
- Nature's Sunshine CleanStart
- Nature's Sunshine ParaCleanse
- Nature's Sunshine Tiao He Cleanse
- TRS (Toxin Removal System) for Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Insecticides, Toxins from Molds and Yeasts, Plastic Residues, Carcinogens from Smoke and Haze, Radioactive Materials in the Body, and Any Positively Charged Toxins
- Ivy Bridge's Colon Cleanse
- Six Month Colon Rejuvenation Program to Restore Natural Peristaltic Action by Dr. Jack Richason
- Seven Day Bentonite Colon Cleanse
Make an appointment to see me so we can talk about this or respond to this e-mail to discuss your options.