"I got bucked off about 8-9 years ago. I landed HARD on my back with most of the force being taken up in my pelvis (right side). I never went to the doctor and had it x-rayed or anything, so not sure if it was fractured or not. But I think it probably was since I could hardly move my legs to walk normally or lift my feet to get up/down the steps without help for quite some time. It took about 6 months before I felt fairly normal again. It's started to give me problems over the last couple of years, most likely arthritis setting in, and my lower back is prone to slipping out of alignment.My right hip flexor is also extremely tight and I have occasional sciatica on that side as well.When I go to the chiropractor, he tells me that my sacrum is always out of line, and the right side of my pelvis is slightly further back than the left."
A Transversal usually looks like a raised fiber crossing the iris of the eye. If a transversal is in the iris it generally shows up in the structural system. This marking can show up when there has been trauma or injury to the body. The physical body can have healed but a lot of times the emotional aspect has not been healed and the marking will still show up in the iris. Care is especially important when dealing with someone with a transversal. Many times discussion of the injury or trauma can be quite difficult for the client and may bring back a lot of suppressed feelings and emotions. For more information go to: http://www.joyfullivingservices.com/iridology-courses.html