We Teach Iridology and Alternative Health Throughout the World" to our web site and correspondence. Even though we have been teaching globally for years, it's now something special when you actually embody the words and have them become a part of who you are. We wish to continue to teach iridology and alternative health throughout the world and this further shows our commitment. Also in not being afraid to take a big step, we are announcing a new iridology course in this newsletter. Pay close attention to the next item in this newsletter about the "New" Become Certified as an "Advanced Iridology Practitioner" Online Course announcement. It's all Very exciting for us here at Joyful Living Services!
On a personal note, June is very important to me not only because my son is graduating from 8th grade and soon moving on to high school but it's also the birthday month of myself, my son, my daughter, my husband, my brother and his wife, my nephew, my niece, and my other sister-in-law. Happy Birthday to us all! It's also special because it's a beautiful time of year. The lakes here in the foothills are full of water and it's warm enough to go swimming. I can't wait to put our boat in the water and go knee boarding and water skiing. It's my favorite time of year! Happy Summer!