Not only is it a big part of what you are made up of (or should be) but you probably already know 70%+ of the Earth is covered with water (not to mention what’s underground).
How interesting of God to plan & create this
Ask yourself…how much of your ‘underground’ is made up of water
Most are dehydrated. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
*How does your skin look
*Do you have brain fog
*How is your digestion
*Eliminating at least once+ a day
These are just a FEW signs your body is lacking in water.
Quick test: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand & let go right away. Did the skin snap back right away If not, you are dehydrated.
Lots of health problems can be helped significantly just by drinking water
A good rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces of water a day.
How to calculate this: Divide your weight in half to get the number of ounces (example: 150 pounds/2=75 ounces).
Don’t drink this all at once as it can tax the kidneys, will make you have to pee a lot & it will be clear, (should be straw-colored) & won’t hydrate your cells.2-4 ounces every 30 minutes is better.
What kind of water ***NOT from the tap There are too many undissolved solids (TDS = total dissolved solids) for the body to try to clean out before it can get the water out of the solids & hydrate your cells.
Some confuse this with minerals they say we need from our water.
Think of it this way: God’s perfect water cycle creates distilled water: evaporation, condensation, precipitation.
We have, & will always have, the exact same amount of water that has been here since Creation due to this amazing cycle
Distilled is best - don’t get confused by those who say we get minerals from the tap. Not true-they add that ‘stuff’ to the tap water that the body does not recognize & has to clean it up first.
Get your minerals from clean, organic food
Reverse osmosis water is also good.
Carbonated water produces an acidic environment. That turns into inflammation, & can result in pain & other unwanted health symptoms.
Lots to process yet it’s very simple
Let’s talk WATER
Go hydrate