Certified Fertility Advocate Online Course
and SAVE $50!
Regular price is $300.
Price by March 1st is only $250!
Course will begin on March 15th and is on your own time. One session will be available each week just like all our other online courses!
Course Includes:
Session 1- Introduction to fertility and a brief introduction on infertility. What questions should a patient write down for preconception follow-up for the doctor?
Session 2- Follicular phase, first half of menstrual cycle. Hormones involved.
Session 3- Ovulation- What tools to use for tracking ovulation and what can
throw off ovulation.
Session 4- Follicle, Fallopian Tube, Ovum (Egg) and Sperm- How they all connect, work, and relate.
Session 5- Conception and pregnancy testing. Symptoms involved with conception and why.
Session 6- Luteal phase, the second half of menstrual cycle, and hormones involved. Includes information on the corpus luteum cyst.
Session 7- Menstrual Details, clotting- What is normal and abnormal?
Session 8- Infertility, including secondary infertility. Diagnosis: Why it’s on the rise. What can compromise fertility, what questions to ask and steps to take, and what tests are included.
Session 9- What can harm fertility? - Includes foods, vitamins, and drugs.
Session 10- List of hormones involved with fertility cycles.
Session 11- Chemical, Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy.
Session 12- The uterus and complications that can occur.
Session 13- Alternative Treatments for fertility and infertility. The use of medicinal herbs.
Session 14- Final exam, Certification and evaluation
To preregister for this course so you receive the discount, please go fill out our contact form at: http://www.joyfullivingservices.com/contact-us.html