The pupil normally closes down in size when strong light is directed into the eye. The light necessary to take the iris slides is fairly bright and should constrict the pupil accordingly. When it doesn't, it usually is an indicator that chronic fatigue is a problem. Certain drugs or medications can also account for this as can the presence of certain disease conditions. Usually it's simply an indication of chronic fatigue. Taking care of the body and following through with a good health building program will restore vigor and diminish fatigue. An enlarged pupil is indicative of enervation or adrenal fatigue. It suggests that the inner, spiritual self is driving the physical body to exhaustion. Suggests a need for energy-producing herbs and rest.
This person is a 17-year old girl. She has chronic migraines. Notice the enlarged pupil. Now she has been on feverfew which is giving her relief and she has been seeing a chiropractor who is using an activator and that has helped.