In doing so it is also providing us with additional income. We are looking for people who would be interested in additional income and want to help preserve the environment for future generations.
Green energy is energy that is produced so that it has less of an impact on the environment than traditional energy sources, such as the energy produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Creating energy by burning fossil fuels often has negative unwanted side effects, such as millions of tons of air pollutants spewed into the atmosphere by electric plants. Types of energies that people are generally referring to when using the term “Green Energy” are describing energy produced by wind, solar, hydro and geothermal processes.
Green energy is basically derived from renewable energy sources which produce much less of a pollution impact on our environment both in obtaining the energy source, and in using the energy source. The long term benefit to the environment has to be taken into consideration when considering why renewable energy is so important. Renewable energy sources will help to reduce the dependency on non-renewable supplies, such as fossil fuels, and this will help produce sustainable energy options for generations to come.
For more information on how you can replace your carbon footprint and bring in additional income contact: Liz Bentley, Phone: 585-225-3330 or 585-261-3776, E-mail: [email protected]
When you contact Liz be sure to tell her you heard about "Renewable Energy" from Joyful Living Services.