IIPA Level 1 & 2 Core Curriculum Online Iridology Course - August-December 2021
Welcome to Joyful Living Services' IIPA Level 1 and 2 Core Curriculum Online Iridology Course. This course will run Tuesday and Thursday from August 17th through December from 8-10 AM PST or 5-7 PM PST. Below are the classes we will hold. You can access these sessions at any time at your convenience.
Level 1:
1. Introduction to Iridology - August 17
-Introduction to Iridology Recording - morning session
-Introduction to Iridology Recording - evening session
-Introduction to Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-Introduction to Iridology Note Pages
-Introduction to Iridology Quiz
2. History of Iridology - August 19
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 1
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 2
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 3
-His1ory of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 4
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 5
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 6
-History of Iridology Recording - evening session
-History of Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-History of Iridology Note Pages
-IIPA History and Ellen Tart-Jensen's IIPA Vision
-IIPA Membership Benefits - Click on this even though it's not highlighted. You can still download it.
-Hippocratic Oath
-Updated Iridology Chart by Ellen Jensen
-History of Iridology Quiz
3. Iris Positions - August 26
-Iris Positions Recording - morning session
-Iris Positions Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Positions Note Pages
-Iris Positions Quiz
4. Iris Zones - August 31
-Iris Zones Recording - morning session
-Iris Zones Recording - evening session
-Iris Zones Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Zones Note Pages
-Iris Zones Quiz
5. Iris Chart - August 31
-Iris Chart Recording - morning session
-Iris Chart Recording - evening session
-Iris Chart Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Chart Note Pages
-Iridology Chart
-Pupil Border Dynamics Chart
-Scale of Thoughts and Emotions in Relationship to the Endocrine Glands and Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
-Sclerology Chart
-Iris Chart Quiz
6. Anatomy & Physiology - September 2
-A&P Recording - morning session only
-A&P Powerpoint Slides
-A&P Note Pages
-A&P Quiz
7. Rating Constitution - September 7
-Rating Constitution - morning session
-Rating Constitution - evening session
-Rating Constitution Powerpoint Slides
-Rating Constitution Note Pages
-Rating Constitution Quiz
8. Iris Signs Definitions - September 9
-Iris Signs Definitions - morning session
-Iris Signs Definitions - evening session
-Iris Signs Definitions Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Signs Definitions Note Pages
-Iris Signs Definitions Quiz
9. Iridology Terms - September 14
-Iridology Terms - morning session
-Iridology Terms - evening session
-Iridology Terms Powerpoint Slides
-Iridology Terms Note Pages
-Glossary of Iridology Terms
-Iridology Terms Quiz
10. Ways the Eyes Change - September 16
-Ways the Eyes Change - morning session
-Ways the Eyes Change Powerpoint Slides
-Ways the Eyes Change Note Pages
-Ways the Eyes Change Iridology Quiz
11. Demonstration of the Use of a Magnifying Glass and Light - September 16
-Demonstration of Magnifying Glass and Light - morning session
-Demonstration of Magnifying Glass and Light Powerpoint Slides
-Demonstration of the Magnifying Glass and Light Quiz
12. How to Perform an Iris Analysis - September 16
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis - morning session
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis Powerpoint Slides
-Client Waiver
-Client Intake Form
-Progress Report Form for Client Follow Up
-Sample Iris and Sclera Images for Iris Analyses
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis Quiz
13. Iris Photography - 9-21-21
-Iris Photography - morning session
-Iris Photography Powerpoint Slides
14. The Health Equation - 9-21-21
-The Health Equation - morning session
-The Health Equation Powerpoint Slides
-The Health Equation Note Pages
-The Health Equation Quiz
15. Constitutional Types - 9-21, 9-23, 9-28
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-21 - Lymphatic Constitution
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-23 - Lymphatic Constitution Part 2
-Constitutional Types - evening session - 9-23 - lymphatic Constitution Part 2
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-28 - Mixed-Biliary Constitution
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-30 - Hematogenic Constitution
-Constitutional Types Review Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Types Review Note Pages
-Constitutional Types Review Quiz
16. Constitutional Subtypes by Color - 9-30-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Note Pages
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Quiz
17. Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice - 10-5-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice - evening session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice Quiz
18. Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - 10-7-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - evening session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Note Pages
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Quiz
19. Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice - 10-12-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice Powerpoint Slides
-No quiz
20. Lipemic Diatheses - 10-14-21
-Lipemic Diatheses - morning session
-Lipemic Diatheses Powerpoint Slides
-Lipemic Diatheses Note Pages
-Lipemic Diatheses Quiz
End of Level 1 - Certificates Issued for those who have passed all quizzes.
Level 2
Remember you will need colored pencils or pens to draw for level 2. Here is the handout that Jackie was so kind to create for us:
Download the pdf document here.
21. Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - 11-9-21
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - morning session - Part 1
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - morning session - Part 2
-Pigments and pigment Irregularities Powerpoint Slides
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities Note Pages
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities Quiz
22. Lacuna Types - 11-11-21
-Lacuna Types - morning session
-Lacuna Types Powerpoint Slides
-Lacuna Types Note Pages
-Lacuna Types Quiz
23. Face Analysis - Jackie Latimer Guest Speaker - 11-16-21
-Jackie Laimer Bio and Description of the talk
-Face Analysis - morning session
-Face Analysis Quiz
24. Pigment and Lacuna Practice #1 - 11-18-21
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice #1 - morning session
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Note Pages
-No quiz until we are complete with this practice
25. Pigment and Lacuna Practice #2 - 11-23-21
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice #2 - morning session
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Note Pages
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Quiz
26. Pupil Tonus - 11-30-21
-Pupil Tonus - morning session
-Pupil Tonus - evening session
-Pupil Tonus Powerpoint Slides
-Pupil Tonus Note Pages
-Pupil Tonus Quiz
27. Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils - Kathy Norris Guest Speaker - 12-2-21
- Kathy Norris Bio
-Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils morning session
-Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils Quiz
28. Pupil Tonus Practice - 12-7-21
-Pupil Tonus Practice - morning session
-Pupil Tonus Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pupil Tonus Practice Note Pages
-Pupil Tonus Practice Quiz
29. Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems - - 12-9-21
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems - morning session
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Powerpoint Slides
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System Handout
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Note Pages
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Quiz
30. Contraction Furrows - 12-9-21
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information - morning session
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information Powerpoint Slides
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information Note Pages
-Contraction Furrow Signs Quiz
31. Collarette Signs - 12-14-21
-Collarette Signs - morning session
-Collarette Signs Powerpoint Slides
-Collarette Signs Note Pages
-Collarette Signs Quiz
32. Collarettes and Pupils - - 12-16-21
-Collarettes and Pupils - morning session
-Collarettes and Pupils Powerpoint Slides
-Collarettes and Pupils Note Pages
-Collarette Signs and Pupils Quiz
33. Radial Furrows - 12-16-21
-Radial Furrows - morning session
-Radial Furrows Powerpoint Slides
-Radial Furrows Note Pages.
-Radial Furrows Quiz
34. Mammilations - 12-16-21
-Mammilations - morning session
-Mammiliations Powerpoint Slides
-No Quiz
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to All!!!!!
We will return to class on Tuesday, January 4th!!
35. Syndromes - 1-4-22
-Syndromes - morning session
-Syndromes Powerpoint Slides
-Syndromes Note Pages
-No Quiz
36. Brain Flair Charts - 1-4-21
-Brain Flair Charts morning session
-Brain Flair Charts Powerpoint slides
-Brain Flair Charts Note Pages
-Brain Flair Charts Quiz
37. Sclera Signs - 1-6-22
-Sclera Signs - morning session
-Sclera Signs Powerpoint Slides
-Sclera Signs Note Pages
-Sclerology Video by Leonard on YouTube - Please watch this on your own time.
-Sclerology Transparencies from Leonard of Grand Medicine
-Sclera Signs Quiz
38. Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Concepts (MTHFR) - On your own time
-Aquaporin Water Channels Video (watch this one first)
-Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Consepts Video (watch this one second)
-There are no slides or note pages
-Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Concepts Quiz
39. How to Promote an Iridology Business - Business Training - 1-11-22
-How to Promote an Iridology Business - Recording
-How to Promote an Iridology Business Slides
-How to Promote Iridology Quiz
40. Using the Iris Evaluation Form and Case Study #1 - 1-11-22
-Using the Iris Evaluation Form and Case Study Recording
-Blank Iris Evaluation Form to use with your clients and the 10 iris evaluations (word format so you can edit it with your business information)
-Blank Iris Evaluation Form to use with your clients and the 10 iris evaluations (pdf format)
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 1
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 2
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 3
-Left Iris
-Left Upper Quadrant
-Left Lower Quadrant
-Left Temporal Sclera
-Left Nasal Sclera
-Right Iris
-Right Upper Quadrant
-Right Lower Quadrant
-Right Temporal Sclera
-Right Nasal Sclera
-ZYTO Scan Results
-Quiz: Submit a 1 page summary in your own words what you would do for this client. E-mail it to [email protected]. Use whatever skills you have and include that in the summary.
41. IIPA Case Studies - 1-13-22
-IIPA Case Studies Recording
-IIPA Case Studies Powerpoint Slides
-IIPA Case Studies Quiz
Slide for Cogwheeling and Combed Teeth
42. Family Case Studies - 1-18-22
-Family Case Studies Recording
-Family Case Studies Powerpoint Slides
-Quiz: Draw the irises of one of your family members and fill out an iris evaluation form for them. Submit the drawing and iris evaluation form to me to [email protected]
43. Case Study Prep - 1-18-22
-Case Study Prep Recording
-Case Study Prep Powerpoint Slides
-Case Study Prep Note Pages
-Case Study Prep Quiz
44. Can I Say That & Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology - 1-20-22
-Can I Say That Recording
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Recording
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Note Pages
-A Guide to Acceptable Claims
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Quiz
45. Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias, Home Health Tests, Persistent Pupillary Membranes and Breast Implants Removed after Cancer - 1-25-22
-Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias, Home Health Tests, Persistent Pupillary Membrane and Breast Implant Recording
-Candida, Candida Diet, and Candida Test Handout
-Food Combining Handout
-Home Health Tests Handout
-Hiatal Hernia Handout
-Persistent Pupillary Membrane Slides
-Persistent Pupillary Membrane Note Pages
-Thyroid Protocol
-Methylation Error Protocols
-Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias and Home Health Tests Quiz
46. End of Class Information and 2 Case Studies (BRCA2 Diagnosis and High Blood Pressure) - 1-27-22
-End of Class Information Recording
From here on out the class is on your own time. Submit one iris evaluation at a time. I will send comments back to you just like I do for the quizzes. You'll need to pass these at 85% or better.
49. Do Ten (10) Iris Evaluations
-Iris Evaluation Form
-Iris Evaluation Set 1
-Iris Evaluation Set 2
-Iris Evaluation Set 3
-Iris Evaluation Set 4
-Iris Evaluation Set 5
-Iris Evaluation Set 6
-Iris Evaluation Set 7
-Iris Evaluation Set 8
-Iris Evaluation Set 9
-Iris Evaluation Set 10
Once the 10 iris evaluations are passed you will have passed level 2. Now for the mentoring:
50. 6 Final Review Quizzes
51. Tutoring for those who need it
52. Complete A&P for those who need it.
53. IIPA Exam - Individually
- Sign up on the IIPA web site at https://www.iridologyassn.org/examination-registration-information
-Cost is $200
-Pass each level at 80% for comprehensive iridology certification
-Pass each level at 90% to be an instructor
54. References
Level 1:
1. Introduction to Iridology - August 17
-Introduction to Iridology Recording - morning session
-Introduction to Iridology Recording - evening session
-Introduction to Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-Introduction to Iridology Note Pages
-Introduction to Iridology Quiz
2. History of Iridology - August 19
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 1
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 2
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 3
-His1ory of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 4
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 5
-History of Iridology Recording - morning session - Part 6
-History of Iridology Recording - evening session
-History of Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-History of Iridology Note Pages
-IIPA History and Ellen Tart-Jensen's IIPA Vision
-IIPA Membership Benefits - Click on this even though it's not highlighted. You can still download it.
-Hippocratic Oath
-Updated Iridology Chart by Ellen Jensen
-History of Iridology Quiz
3. Iris Positions - August 26
-Iris Positions Recording - morning session
-Iris Positions Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Positions Note Pages
-Iris Positions Quiz
4. Iris Zones - August 31
-Iris Zones Recording - morning session
-Iris Zones Recording - evening session
-Iris Zones Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Zones Note Pages
-Iris Zones Quiz
5. Iris Chart - August 31
-Iris Chart Recording - morning session
-Iris Chart Recording - evening session
-Iris Chart Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Chart Note Pages
-Iridology Chart
-Pupil Border Dynamics Chart
-Scale of Thoughts and Emotions in Relationship to the Endocrine Glands and Organs of Detoxification and Elimination
-Sclerology Chart
-Iris Chart Quiz
6. Anatomy & Physiology - September 2
-A&P Recording - morning session only
-A&P Powerpoint Slides
-A&P Note Pages
-A&P Quiz
7. Rating Constitution - September 7
-Rating Constitution - morning session
-Rating Constitution - evening session
-Rating Constitution Powerpoint Slides
-Rating Constitution Note Pages
-Rating Constitution Quiz
8. Iris Signs Definitions - September 9
-Iris Signs Definitions - morning session
-Iris Signs Definitions - evening session
-Iris Signs Definitions Powerpoint Slides
-Iris Signs Definitions Note Pages
-Iris Signs Definitions Quiz
9. Iridology Terms - September 14
-Iridology Terms - morning session
-Iridology Terms - evening session
-Iridology Terms Powerpoint Slides
-Iridology Terms Note Pages
-Glossary of Iridology Terms
-Iridology Terms Quiz
10. Ways the Eyes Change - September 16
-Ways the Eyes Change - morning session
-Ways the Eyes Change Powerpoint Slides
-Ways the Eyes Change Note Pages
-Ways the Eyes Change Iridology Quiz
11. Demonstration of the Use of a Magnifying Glass and Light - September 16
-Demonstration of Magnifying Glass and Light - morning session
-Demonstration of Magnifying Glass and Light Powerpoint Slides
-Demonstration of the Magnifying Glass and Light Quiz
12. How to Perform an Iris Analysis - September 16
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis - morning session
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis Powerpoint Slides
-Client Waiver
-Client Intake Form
-Progress Report Form for Client Follow Up
-Sample Iris and Sclera Images for Iris Analyses
-How to Perform an Iris Analysis Quiz
13. Iris Photography - 9-21-21
-Iris Photography - morning session
-Iris Photography Powerpoint Slides
14. The Health Equation - 9-21-21
-The Health Equation - morning session
-The Health Equation Powerpoint Slides
-The Health Equation Note Pages
-The Health Equation Quiz
15. Constitutional Types - 9-21, 9-23, 9-28
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-21 - Lymphatic Constitution
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-23 - Lymphatic Constitution Part 2
-Constitutional Types - evening session - 9-23 - lymphatic Constitution Part 2
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-28 - Mixed-Biliary Constitution
-Constitutional Types - morning session - 9-30 - Hematogenic Constitution
-Constitutional Types Review Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Types Review Note Pages
-Constitutional Types Review Quiz
16. Constitutional Subtypes by Color - 9-30-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Note Pages
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Quiz
17. Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice - 10-5-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice - evening session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Color Practice Quiz
18. Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - 10-7-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure - evening session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Powerpoint Slides
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Note Pages
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Quiz
19. Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice - 10-12-21
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice - morning session
-Constitutional Subtypes by Structure Practice Powerpoint Slides
-No quiz
20. Lipemic Diatheses - 10-14-21
-Lipemic Diatheses - morning session
-Lipemic Diatheses Powerpoint Slides
-Lipemic Diatheses Note Pages
-Lipemic Diatheses Quiz
End of Level 1 - Certificates Issued for those who have passed all quizzes.
Level 2
Remember you will need colored pencils or pens to draw for level 2. Here is the handout that Jackie was so kind to create for us:
Download the pdf document here.
21. Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - 11-9-21
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - morning session - Part 1
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities - morning session - Part 2
-Pigments and pigment Irregularities Powerpoint Slides
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities Note Pages
-Pigments and Pigment Irregularities Quiz
22. Lacuna Types - 11-11-21
-Lacuna Types - morning session
-Lacuna Types Powerpoint Slides
-Lacuna Types Note Pages
-Lacuna Types Quiz
23. Face Analysis - Jackie Latimer Guest Speaker - 11-16-21
-Jackie Laimer Bio and Description of the talk
-Face Analysis - morning session
-Face Analysis Quiz
24. Pigment and Lacuna Practice #1 - 11-18-21
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice #1 - morning session
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Note Pages
-No quiz until we are complete with this practice
25. Pigment and Lacuna Practice #2 - 11-23-21
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice #2 - morning session
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Note Pages
-Pigment and Lacuna Practice Quiz
26. Pupil Tonus - 11-30-21
-Pupil Tonus - morning session
-Pupil Tonus - evening session
-Pupil Tonus Powerpoint Slides
-Pupil Tonus Note Pages
-Pupil Tonus Quiz
27. Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils - Kathy Norris Guest Speaker - 12-2-21
- Kathy Norris Bio
-Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils morning session
-Introduction to Rayid and Effective Essential Oils Quiz
28. Pupil Tonus Practice - 12-7-21
-Pupil Tonus Practice - morning session
-Pupil Tonus Practice Powerpoint Slides
-Pupil Tonus Practice Note Pages
-Pupil Tonus Practice Quiz
29. Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems - - 12-9-21
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems - morning session
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Powerpoint Slides
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System Handout
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Note Pages
- Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Quiz
30. Contraction Furrows - 12-9-21
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information - morning session
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information Powerpoint Slides
-Contraction Furrow Signs with Emotional Information Note Pages
-Contraction Furrow Signs Quiz
31. Collarette Signs - 12-14-21
-Collarette Signs - morning session
-Collarette Signs Powerpoint Slides
-Collarette Signs Note Pages
-Collarette Signs Quiz
32. Collarettes and Pupils - - 12-16-21
-Collarettes and Pupils - morning session
-Collarettes and Pupils Powerpoint Slides
-Collarettes and Pupils Note Pages
-Collarette Signs and Pupils Quiz
33. Radial Furrows - 12-16-21
-Radial Furrows - morning session
-Radial Furrows Powerpoint Slides
-Radial Furrows Note Pages.
-Radial Furrows Quiz
34. Mammilations - 12-16-21
-Mammilations - morning session
-Mammiliations Powerpoint Slides
-No Quiz
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to All!!!!!
We will return to class on Tuesday, January 4th!!
35. Syndromes - 1-4-22
-Syndromes - morning session
-Syndromes Powerpoint Slides
-Syndromes Note Pages
-No Quiz
36. Brain Flair Charts - 1-4-21
-Brain Flair Charts morning session
-Brain Flair Charts Powerpoint slides
-Brain Flair Charts Note Pages
-Brain Flair Charts Quiz
37. Sclera Signs - 1-6-22
-Sclera Signs - morning session
-Sclera Signs Powerpoint Slides
-Sclera Signs Note Pages
-Sclerology Video by Leonard on YouTube - Please watch this on your own time.
-Sclerology Transparencies from Leonard of Grand Medicine
-Sclera Signs Quiz
38. Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Concepts (MTHFR) - On your own time
-Aquaporin Water Channels Video (watch this one first)
-Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Consepts Video (watch this one second)
-There are no slides or note pages
-Genomic Iridology and Microbiological Concepts Quiz
39. How to Promote an Iridology Business - Business Training - 1-11-22
-How to Promote an Iridology Business - Recording
-How to Promote an Iridology Business Slides
-How to Promote Iridology Quiz
40. Using the Iris Evaluation Form and Case Study #1 - 1-11-22
-Using the Iris Evaluation Form and Case Study Recording
-Blank Iris Evaluation Form to use with your clients and the 10 iris evaluations (word format so you can edit it with your business information)
-Blank Iris Evaluation Form to use with your clients and the 10 iris evaluations (pdf format)
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 1
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 2
-Completed Iris Evaluation Form for this Client, Page 3
-Left Iris
-Left Upper Quadrant
-Left Lower Quadrant
-Left Temporal Sclera
-Left Nasal Sclera
-Right Iris
-Right Upper Quadrant
-Right Lower Quadrant
-Right Temporal Sclera
-Right Nasal Sclera
-ZYTO Scan Results
-Quiz: Submit a 1 page summary in your own words what you would do for this client. E-mail it to [email protected]. Use whatever skills you have and include that in the summary.
41. IIPA Case Studies - 1-13-22
-IIPA Case Studies Recording
-IIPA Case Studies Powerpoint Slides
-IIPA Case Studies Quiz
Slide for Cogwheeling and Combed Teeth
42. Family Case Studies - 1-18-22
-Family Case Studies Recording
-Family Case Studies Powerpoint Slides
-Quiz: Draw the irises of one of your family members and fill out an iris evaluation form for them. Submit the drawing and iris evaluation form to me to [email protected]
43. Case Study Prep - 1-18-22
-Case Study Prep Recording
-Case Study Prep Powerpoint Slides
-Case Study Prep Note Pages
-Case Study Prep Quiz
44. Can I Say That & Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology - 1-20-22
-Can I Say That Recording
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Recording
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Powerpoint Slides
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Note Pages
-A Guide to Acceptable Claims
-Body Systems, Herbs, and Iridology Quiz
45. Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias, Home Health Tests, Persistent Pupillary Membranes and Breast Implants Removed after Cancer - 1-25-22
-Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias, Home Health Tests, Persistent Pupillary Membrane and Breast Implant Recording
-Candida, Candida Diet, and Candida Test Handout
-Food Combining Handout
-Home Health Tests Handout
-Hiatal Hernia Handout
-Persistent Pupillary Membrane Slides
-Persistent Pupillary Membrane Note Pages
-Thyroid Protocol
-Methylation Error Protocols
-Candida, Food Combining, Hiatal Hernias and Home Health Tests Quiz
46. End of Class Information and 2 Case Studies (BRCA2 Diagnosis and High Blood Pressure) - 1-27-22
-End of Class Information Recording
From here on out the class is on your own time. Submit one iris evaluation at a time. I will send comments back to you just like I do for the quizzes. You'll need to pass these at 85% or better.
49. Do Ten (10) Iris Evaluations
-Iris Evaluation Form
-Iris Evaluation Set 1
-Iris Evaluation Set 2
-Iris Evaluation Set 3
-Iris Evaluation Set 4
-Iris Evaluation Set 5
-Iris Evaluation Set 6
-Iris Evaluation Set 7
-Iris Evaluation Set 8
-Iris Evaluation Set 9
-Iris Evaluation Set 10
Once the 10 iris evaluations are passed you will have passed level 2. Now for the mentoring:
50. 6 Final Review Quizzes
51. Tutoring for those who need it
52. Complete A&P for those who need it.
53. IIPA Exam - Individually
- Sign up on the IIPA web site at https://www.iridologyassn.org/examination-registration-information
-Cost is $200
-Pass each level at 80% for comprehensive iridology certification
-Pass each level at 90% to be an instructor
54. References